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Dictionary Proxy Server

This is a proxy server for the Free Dictionary API which allows one app to distribute requests - preventing the API from limited your requests. It comes pre-configured to deploy to and shouldn't rack up any charges, even on the hobbyist-tier.

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To deploy the proxy server, install the flyctl command line tool:

iwr -useb | iex

Create an account on their website (or run

flyctl auth signup

) , and then run:

flyctl auth login

Once you're authenticated, run:

flyctl launch

Do not set up an SQL database, and do deploy now. Alternatively, do not deploy now and later run:

flyctl deploy

Should be pretty straightforward.


Usage is incredibly straightforward. The api endpoint simulates the Free Dictionary API endpoint, so all you have to do in your code is run something like:

// Node.js

const axios = require('axios);

const WORD = `<YOUR WORD>`

axios.get(`https://${APP_NAME}${WORD}`).then((response)=> {
}).catch(e=> {

I have found that three proxies @ 100 requests/second total is enough to prevent overload for quite a while, but with five proxies + local requests running @ 100 requests/second total I have never been rate limited.

I don't reccommend using this for long periods of time as that's fairly rude, but for an application like mine (where the data needs retrieved in bulk once) this can speed up the rate that you can ingest data dramatically.

Made by Owen Rossi-Keen

GitHub | Website | Donate

File dynamically retrieved from dictionary-proxy-server